Policy In Working Together

At Positively Purposeful, we live and work from a high vibrational place. A place where goodness, magic and creativity flow. As your guide and mentor in this purpose finding process, part of my work is to help you also live and work from this beautiful place.

From this place, we take responsibility for our actions and strategize the best solutions to navigate our challenges. We see everything as connected and in our best interest.

We look at what's taking place beneath the surface of appearances and seek answers and solutions that serve the highest outcome for all. We work from a place of love, truth, surrender, interconnectedness, awareness, trust and faith.

Positively Purposeful works beyond the realm of 'business as usual'. We  operate from a place of truth and integrity. Revolutionary in our approach, we work with higher forms of energy and utalize groundbreaking tools. As a new client, these tools may at first feel strange, confusing or challenging but with patience and practice you will benefit immensely from the power they hold. It is through facing challenges and pushing the boundaries of comfort that we grow the most.


We work from a sacred place

From this place we trust that when we are honest about our thoughts and desires, we allow spirit to work through us in just the right way at just the right time. In the usual business world, you might expect an email response to your question within a set amount of hours. You might even have expectations of what that response should or shouldn't look like.

From the sacred space of Positively Purposeful, we go beyond the typical standards of excellent client service. We love and treat our clients as we treat ourselves, with utmost respect. In order to provide this high level of care and support, we may need to step back for a moment as we wait for the vision to become clear, the interconnected pieces to fall into place and/or the answers to be delivered through meditation. As our client, you will be presented with the opportunity to stay in the faith that you are being taken care of in a beautiful way. When we allow for and work within this divine flow, we receive extraordinary results.


We are absolutely honest with one another

I stick to my promises and work hard to help you get results. I expect you to do the same. I can only help you when I know what's up for you. It's your responsibility to let me know if something is not working for you or if you're struggling. From there, we can work through it.


We act responsibly

I commit to sticking with the process for 9 months, to delivering all of the content promised and to doing everything I can to help you discover and ignite your purpose. It's up to you to do the assigned work, to ask questions when you don't understand, to participate fully and to stay open and coachable.

You are to take full responsibility for your own thoughts, feelings and actions. I will help guide you in this process and will be taking responsibility for my own thoughts, feelings and actions. We are respectful of our sacred agreements, show up on time, do our work and keep the info our group shares in a confidential and safe space.


We are committed to results

Coaching can bring up all sorts of feelings and subconscious beliefs. Some of those beliefs will do their best to sabotage you and tell you stories that do not serve your highest good.  This little voice is often what has held you back from success in the past. By hiring me, you are letting that little voice know that you are no longer willing to let it run the show. You will be learning new ways to operate that allow you to get the results you really want to see. The results are up to you. I offer powerful tools and help facilitate the process of alignment with purpose. This process is not something to be entered into lightly or on a whim. it is a life-changing process with a tremendous amount of energy and potential behind it. Right from day 1 and throughout this course you will be learning how to work more fully with your potent energy.

There are a limited number of spaces in the program and each one is precious. Since your enrolment in the program will be filling one of a limited number of seats that cannot be refilled after the intake process, this is not a refundable program. However, because trying something new can be scary and I want for you to move forward confidently, should this program not feel right for you after enroling, I do offer a 30 day refund less $300 for any materials that have been delivered to you in any form and the administration work done to enrol you.


Most importantly, know this... YOUR SUCCESS = MY SUCCESS and I am 100% dedicated to helping you get amazing results in discovering and living your purpose!

If you are ready and willing to commit to the Simple Steps on the Path to Self program, to doing your best, and to honouring the protocol outlined above, then I am honoured to be your guide in the process.